Join with colleagues in Podiatry and Chiropody
for our one-day Virtual Conference.
The CPMA Conference goes virtual...
This year’s conference will be delivered virtually to allow delegates to
attend from anywhere across the globe.
The conference opens on Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET
and provides six (6) hours of CME credits /continuing education hours,
industry intelligence, and networking.

Members & Affiliates:


Podiatry students:
At only $79 CDN, this year’s event is significantly less than the cost of an airline ticket and hotel.
It is a prime opportunity for you to interact with Podiatrists from across Canada, USA, and beyond.
This year’s event promises to be a great mix of training and networking.
Some of our Featured Sessions
An exhilarating and informative one-day program of distinguished speakers
Howard Petroff, MD
Inside an NBA Locker Room Post COVID
Larry Osher, DPM
Ultrasound vs. MRI; Which modality is best for which suspected pathology? (1 CME)
Johnny Lau, MD
Dr. Lau will speak about recent research around Conservative vs Surgical Care of Achilles Ruptures.
Howard Penn, DPM
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Podiatric Medicine.
Mark Hinkes, DPM
Join Dr. Hinkes as he discusses Amputation Prevention
Mitchell Abrams, MD
Join Dr. Mitchell Abrams as he discusses his journey from radiologist to heart surgery patient to department chair, prompting an in-depth examination of our current model of care.
Participants will be introduced to emerging clinical research from multiple scientific disciplines as it relates to mind-body medicine and the bio-psychosocial model of health – the gold standard of care. Abrams will also introduce accessible biomedical feedback technology that has the potential to help individuals heal themselves, their communities and ultimately bring about real social change.
Register Now!
Reserve your spot for
an educational opportunity not to be missed.
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